Breaking News II CSE K Syamili got gold medal in JNTUK Intercollegiate Taekwondo Compitions, Congratulations to Her | RISE Krishna Sai Gandhi Clebrated International Womens day on 7th March 2024 (Due to Holiday on 8th March) and Falicitated the women faculty and students on their achivements

Welcome to RISE Krishna Sai Gandhi Group of Institutions

RISE Krishna Sai Gandhi Group of Institutions is one of the best institutions in the region of JNTUK, under the flagship of AICTE. It offers under graduate courses in Engineering. The Institution was established on 5th October 2009 by RISE which stands for Rural Institute of Social and Economic Empowerment. The captivating ambiance amidst panoramic scenic beauty all around would add glory to the face value of the campus. Since its inception, the institution has been flourishing in all aspects. RISE institution is bound together by a deep-rooted sense of excellence in education. Our commitment to quality in education, learning and research is uncompromising, and lived out in practice every day in our lecture halls, laboratories and libraries.

  • Rise Krishna Sai Gandhi Group Librarian awarded as Best librarian by BL Skill Development, AP

  • Invitation to all Alumnus we are conducting Alumni Meet-2023 on 11-11-2023. You all are invited.

  • Dept. of CSE organizes 3-Day workshop on Azure Cloud for III B.Tech. CSE Students from 09-11-2023 to 11-11-2023

  • Now RISE Krishna Sai Gandhi Group of Institutions is Autonomous .

  • RISE Gandhi Receives Best Performing Institute award by EduSkills(Google for Developers)

  • Happy Diwali to all on this occasion 13-11-2023 declared as holiday.

  • 08-11-2023 is decalared as holiday due to AP state bandh.
