College Radio 

The RISE Krishna Sai Gandhi Group is renowned for its College Radio situated within the campus. Our college is the sole establishment in the entire Prakasam district to have obtained a College Radio . Additionally, it is one of the rare establishments in the State that possesses such a facility. 

The Radio Station fulfils multiple fundamental objectives and functions. Various announcements broadcasted via College Radio will effectively bridge all communication gaps throughout the campus with a single message. The faculty, staff, and students will receive current information regarding all ongoing programmes on campus. The Radio serves as a comprehensive platform for fostering efficient coordination of activities. The facility enhances the personal satisfaction of everyone on the campus.

The day commences with a devotional melody in the College Radio. The prayer’s lively and motivating tone and melody will evoke a feeling of improvement in all individuals. It will facilitate beginning the day with a confident perspective.

The News will provide a comprehensive view of global events directly to the college. The news, events, and profiles broadcasted on the radio will keep students and staff well-informed about global developments. The campus will consistently maintain up-to-date information.

Students and staff members are acknowledged for their accomplishments through the use of the radio on various occasions. Their achievements are publicly acknowledged through the sharing of their success stories and the recognition of their skills. This will enhance their prominence and status. Sharing birthday wishes would bring great joy to the individuals celebrating the event. This will lead to a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment in one’s identity and employment inside the institution. The presence of a feeling of belonging enhances the cognitive processes of both students and staff members. 

The radio is an effective medium for distributing crucial information. The historical evidence and significance of festivals will generate a fresh sense of curiosity among the audience. Furthermore, it serves as a comprehensive platform for disseminating genuine knowledge about our culture. Students acquire self-motivation to promote such awareness through effective planning and organisation.   

The Radio has made a remarkable impact on the students and personnel in the institution, leading to a metamorphosis characterised by patriotism. Each individual listener immediately assumes an erect posture, regardless of their location, when the National Anthem is broadcasted daily on the radio. A comprehensive national perspective is a fundamental necessity in the modern day. The college radio station is actively promoting national integration. The motto we adhere to is ‘One Campus, One Voice’. Success is our choice.

Faculty broadcasting the News
College Radio
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