About CSE Department

The RISE Krishna Sai Gandhi Group of Institutions is pleased to have you join us in the field of computer science and engineering. Intelligence, creativity, and insight all come together in perfect harmony at the Department of CSE. The atmosphere fostered by the department encourages original thought and provides several opportunities for “what if” scenarios. The Department’s unified faculty has planned and executed numerous successful campus-wide events. To ensure that our students are prepared to meet the demands of the business world, we offer supplementary instruction. We bridge the gap between academia and industry with the training we provide and the curriculum we’ve developed for training outside the scope of traditional university curricula. The software business and academic labs rely on regular updates to keep up with rising expectations and shifting norms. It aids in skill development and gives students a sense of accomplishment as they prepare to leave College.


"To foster a realm of computer scientists who merge advanced tech with ethics, leading in transformative innovations, prioritizing sustainable digital solutions, and uplifting global communities."


  • “Empowering students with cutting-edge tech knowledge rooted in ethical principles.”
  • “Championing sustainable digital solutions for tomorrow’s global challenges.”
  • “Cultivating a culture of innovation that transcends code and impacts communities.”
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