About S & H Department

The Department of HUMANITIES and SCIENCES was established in 2009. The department plays a vital role in grooming the students with basic knowledge of sciences and language. The department offers Chemistry, English, Mathematics and Physics devoted for all round development of I Year students. Mathematics and English subjects are also offered in II and III yr as well.

The department of Humanities and Sciences is strengthened by experienced professors in each subject of Mathematics, English, Physics and Chemistry. The faculty is highly qualified and indulges in academic activities like writing text books and conducting conferences and publishing research papers. The Department provides an outstanding research environment.

Our vision is to ignite the inherent application skills of theoretical knowledge. In view of this, the Department is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge from an interdisciplinary perspective and to empower the students the blend of Engineering and Management.

At the outset the department is acting as a bridge between the Science and Technology.

Department Strengths

The Department of Humanities & Sciences at RISE Krishna Sai Gandhi Group of Institutions, Ongole, right from its commencement in 2009 has been extensively engaged in teaching and Research activities of Engineering & Sciences. It’s an abode of excellence in the fields of engineering & science research and education. Students are made familiar with the latest theoretical developments in their respective disciplines. Since both science and humanities may seem to be very abstract because of the very nature of the subjects, special attention is given to put all classroom discussions in the context of practical realities. The Department of Humanities & Sciences supported by several members of doctorate faculty in diversified fields of science, makes the department one of its kind of state. Most of the faculty in the department employs ICT based teaching via tools like Google Class room, Google forms,  Power Point Presentations, Video lectures, YouTube videos etc., A Few amount of faculty in our department are SET/NET and NPTEL  qualified and furthermore they published their research papers in a very well reputed international / national journals with good number of citations which makes them eminent and competent in their corresponding fields.

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